Learn the practices that will absolutely transform your life for the better.


This is the gift that will keep on giving. This is how I teach you to fish.


This is the #1 thing I do for my audience with the highest leverage.

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Level 1

The Cloud Hand Set 

March 29-30

Newport Beach, CA 

After what seems like MANY long years, the Urban Monk Retreats are finally back. I'm so relieved to be announcing this as this is an essential part of my mission and it was put on hold during the pandemic.


Why so important?


Because I'm not allowed to video the exercises in this practice. It was the adamant dying wish of my Grandmaster that this lineage was to ONLY be taught through direct transmission and that's how we do it.


What is the practice?


It's called the Tao Tan Pai (Taoist Elixer Field) and it's the esoteric qigong practice I learned as a monk of my lineage.


My first question after practicing level one (which is what I'm about to teach you) was "what was THAT?"


There's nothing subtle about it.


It's a powerful practice that wakes up your consciousness, makes you more self-aware, connects you with your heart and intuition, calms your mind, and invigorates your body.


I'm not kidding.


That's only a partial list of what people (1000s of my students at this point) say after learning this practice.


There are 31 exercises which start standing and end up on a cushion where we close with meditation.


It'll take me the better part of the weekend to teach you and make sure you got it and you will walk away with absolute GOLD that will yield dividends for the rest of your life.


I'm not giving you anything- you're learning to mine this gold in your own body...your own consciousness.


It's the most meaningful, impactful thing I teach and I'm excited to be finally bringing it back.


That said, I only have 100 spots in the room and almost 20 VIP guests who've been begging to be there when I taught it again. That's now...


It's work.


You'll be learning stuff and practicing it.


If you're a "get rich quick spiritualist" this isn't for you. 


If you're ready to tap into deep inner realms, wake up and learn about your true nature, this is the room for you.

Welcome to
The Real Work


I’m going to show you how to  look within and turn the "lead" to "gold" in your own conscious awareness through a 5000 year old practice that was handed down to me in an unbroken chain of direct transmission from my lineage.

 Nei Gong

This is a form of internal alchemical work that's only taught to serious students who want to wake up and evolve in their consciousness. It's rarely taught outside of monasteries.

Shen Gong

There are elements of deep mind cultivation in this system and level one begins your journey of opening your "spiritual eye" and awakening to your inner self...your true self.

The Golden Flower

All of this leads to deep, introspective work we do in turning the light of our awareness inwards and observing the mind for what it truly is. You and only you can find this from within.

I’m going to teach you the real stuff.


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My name is Dr. Pedram Shojai, also known as The Urban Monk.


I’ve helped millions of people find their way to better health with less stress and more joy and you are no different.

As a New York Times best selling author of 8 books and producer of almost a dozen films and series, I’ve been prolific in the past decade but that only came after several years of utter stillness. 

You see, I was a Taoist monk. I spent thousands of hours learning about my breath and cultivating inner peace through qigong and meditation. I brought that wisdom back to the West and l quickly realized that the folks I was trying to help did not have the time to do all I was recommending. A lot of my material in my books is designed to help bridge this gap.


This system is the backbone of my training and I can only teach it in person. It's the single-most meaningful thing I can show you. It's the deeper, more powerful work that will transform your life and awaken you to inner realms.

Let's sit together


Some things should only be done in person. This system requires it. I need to show you the practices and make sure you're doing them correctly.

Once you've got it, my job is to get out of the way and let you explore and experience for yourself. 

It takes some attention to detail and practice and then it's yours. Nobody can take this away from you. 

"Cloud Hand Set" - Level 1

There are 7 levels to this system. Each needs to be mastered before you move on to the next. Level 1 is called "The 31 Exercises or the Cloud Hand Set" and it's a complete qigong system in and of itself. It'll teach you how to feel energy, circulate it in your body, and turn your awareness inwards to experience the inner light and wake up.

It is the foundation of the lineage and the work we all do.



I only have 100 spots as it takes a lot of personal attention and effort to make sure you're all doing this right. I have a few teachers in training but I'm meticulous about making sure everyone gets the transmission of this practice.
Space will run out.

This is good for you.


This is real. 

Here are REAL people just like you talking about their experience at this retreat.

I’m going to show you how to look within and find your inner light.
The practice is the teacher.
My job is to get out of the way after you learn it.


 It works.



Space is limited and the hotel block will fill up. Clear your calendar and BE THERE.


I don't do this often and won't teach level 1 again for several months. I have several advanced students who will audit Level 1 again as well so those seats get taken.
This is your opportunity to get on the tracks for this and learn something powerful, meaningful and real.




  • Two full days of live instruction in a room with other serious students
  • Live Q&A sessions at the event
  • An amazing community of people to meet and connect with
  • An on-going community circle to interact with other students who were in the room
  • Access to the next levels of the Tao Tan Pai training - you MUST do them in order and it all start with this level
  • An amazing venue in the Back Bay of Newport Beach...very close to the ocean
  • An excellent restaurant on site with gluten & dairy free options
  • An entry into a temple-trained lineage that's very rare and never really taught in the West

“I’ll see you soon. Find me at the event and say hello. Better yet, let's sit together and breathe."


Dr. Pedram Shojai
The Urban Monk

The Urban Monk is all about staying true to the wisdom and lineage but bringing it home into our modern lives. This practice will do just that.


This stuff is real.

It’s amazing.


My students consistently report…

  • Better sleep
  • Less stress
  • More energy
  • Better boundaries
  • More joy
  • Weight loss
  • Increased muscle tone
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Less inflammation
  • More creativity
  • And much much more…
Your energy needs to get unstuck. Your mind needs to find a calming peace and reset. Your life needs to slow down and get focused.


You'll get all of that this weekend. 

The Urban Monk Academy is designed around you and your ever changing needs in a world filled with misinformation and lots of garbage. Everything I teach you is anchored in science and I support it with studies and articles along the way.

This stuff is real.

It’s amazing.

 My students consistently report…

  • Better sleep
  • Less stress
  • More energy
  • Better boundaries
  • More joy
  • Weight loss
  • Increased muscle tone
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Less inflammation
  • More creativity
  • And much much more…

Energy is the currency of life and we need to get yours unstuck. From the foods that you eat to the number of times you move and touch your toes, it all feeds into an overall state of either vitality or a dreary decline.


NOW is the time to get unstuck. 

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The information on this site is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice.
Readers are advised to consult a qualified professional about any issue regarding their health and well-being.
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1389 Center Drive, Suite 200 Park City, UT 84098 | Email: [email protected]